I have just published a 2012 revised version of The E-Book Handbook, now available on my website, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Apple iTunes (the iTunes version may not be revised for several weeks based on their publishing time-frames). See this page or click the cover below to learn more about the guide and links to the various retail sites.
Revisions include an explanation of how to use Calibre to convert to your book to epub or mobi formats in case your Word document upload to Amazon or Barnes and Noble fails, explanations of new Amazon KDP features, revised information on my sales experiences and stats on the major retail sites, modified cover image size and resolution info to use for various sites and formats, copyright issues and Internet piracy, and some information on the new Apple iBooks Author software app.
If you are interested in creating, formatting, and publishing your own e-book, be sure to check out The E-Book Handbook!