Yesterday was World Water Day, an annual event which calls attention to the issues surrounding, you guessed it, water! Some of these issues include water quality, access to clean water, water shortages, and water management. This year’s theme was “Clean Water for a Healthy World.” As with many global struggles, it is the poor who are most affected by issues of water contamination and access to clean water.
There are several excellent displays of photos in honor of World Water Day, including The Big Picture, The Frame, and a free downloadable edition of National Geographic. Also be sure to refer back to my post about the downloadable book Blue Planet Run, which addresses global water issues through amazing photography.
Ucayali River, an Amazon tributary, Pucallpa, Peru by dojoklo
Ucayali River, an Amazon tributary, Pucallpa, Peru by dojoklo
Ucayali River, an Amazon tributary, Pucallpa, Peru
by dojoklo