Interesting vs. Intriguing

I recently took this photo in Gloucester, MA.  As I was working on the RAW file and zooming in, I discovered that I liked the cropped version, perhaps more than the original.  It seems to me that while the original version (shown second, and which is actually slightly straightened and cropped itself) is interesting, the extreme crop (shown immediately below) makes it intriguing.  (I think I’m beginning to sound like Rick Sammon here!)  It imagine that upon looking at it, it may take a second to become oriented but then, following Gestalt principles, the eye figures it out.  Anyway, have a look for yourself:

Gloucester MA Mass Massachusetts reflection boat water harbor
Gloucester, Mass – extreme crop of original

Gloucester, Mass – minor crop of original

The interesting and impressionistic grey, black, and white reflections in the water – best seen in the top picture –  are shown as they were captured, with just a standard amount of Clarity and Sharpening done to the image.


World Water Day

Yesterday was World Water Day, an annual event which calls attention to the issues surrounding, you guessed it, water!  Some of these issues include water quality, access to clean water, water shortages, and water management.  This year’s theme was “Clean Water for a Healthy World.”  As with many global struggles, it is the poor who are most affected by issues of water contamination and access to clean water.

There are several excellent displays of photos in honor of World Water Day, including The Big Picture, The Frame, and a free downloadable edition of National Geographic.  Also be sure to refer back to my post about the downloadable book Blue Planet Run, which addresses global water issues through amazing photography.

Ucayali River, an Amazon tributary, Pucallpa, Peru                               by dojoklo

Ucayali River, an Amazon tributary, Pucallpa, Peru                               by dojoklo

Ucayali River, an Amazon tributary, Pucallpa, Peru
by dojoklo

Great Photo Book

I’ve recently discovered the excellent book Blue Planet Run, which I came across after seeing photographer Rick Smolan’s TED lecture.  He’s the guy behind the “Day in the Life” series of photo books that were so ubiquitous awhile ago.  Anyway, Blue Planet Run is a book he created, full of amazing photos, statistics, and essays about the worldwide water crisis.  It was originally offered as a free e-book, and after a little hunting around, I found a pdf copy of it to download on RapidShare.  It seems to be virus free and is definitely worth having a look at, either in hard copy or e-version.

Click cover for hard-copy version on Amazon